

SGSC Libraries Mission, Vision, and Goals

Mission: The mission of South Georgia State College Libraries is to provide a student focused learning environment with resources and services that support and enhance the
mission, goals, and programs of South Georgia State College.

Vision: South Georgia State College Libraries aspire to achieve recognition for maintaining transformative learning environments that promote academic excellence and prepare
students for personal success as information-literate, global citizens.

SGSC Libraries Goals:

  • SGSC Libraries will providea sufficient number of qualified librarians and support staff to ensure service excellence and to function successfully in an environment of continuous change.
  • SGSC Libraries will ensure access to collections sufficientin quality, depth,diversity, format, and currency to supportthe college curricula.
  • SGSC Libraries will collaborate with other campus departments, institutions, and libraries to develop and support information-literate learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for research, academic success, and lifelong learning.
  • SGSC Libraries will foster a comfortable, stimulating atmosphere where users interact with ideas in both physical and virtual environments to expand learning and facilitate the creation of new knowledge.
  • SGSC Libraries will advance professional values of intellectual freedom, intellectual property rights and values, user privacy and confidentiality, and user-centered services.
  • SGSC Libraries will engage in continuous planning and assessment to inform resource allocation, preserve knowledge for future generations, meet their mission effectively and efficiently, and contribute to institutional effectiveness.