
Separation of Employment

Seperation of Employment

Below are the steps for the Offboarding Process with instructions on how to process each type of employee separation at SGSC.

HR Offboarding Process

Employee Separation 

  • Employee must give written notice to supervisor and a copy to Human Resources. The minimum notice is generally ten (10) working days. 
  • MSS Termination transaction should be submitted as soon as possible. The effective date should be one (1) calendar day after the last date worked or the last active date on payroll.  See Job Aid 
  • The Office of Human Resources will send an email to the separating employee with off-boarding information.’s personal email (not their SGSC email) that will include the following: 
    • Date and Time
    • Leave Balances
    • Benefits Information
    • Retirement Information
    • Link to Exit Survey
    • Other Off-boarding tasks​​​​​
  • HR Office will enter data for the Vacation Pay Out (VPO) if applicable, and compile separation documents to be sent to the employee’s personnel records.
  • The institution is not obligated to allow an employee to rescind the resignation. The supervisor may designate an earlier final date of employment.
  • Please email hr@sgsc.edu  to transfer IT equipment to appropriate department or person.

Supervisors who are considering a suspension, demotion, or dismissal of an employee must contact Human Resources to ensure that all appropriate laws, regulations, and policies are observed. Examples include:

  • Violation of Rules
  • Unsatisfactory Performance
  • Probationary Period
  • No Show
  • Job Abandonment
  • Gross Misconduct
  • Failure to Return from leave
  • No Work Authorization-NRA

An employee affected by demotion, suspension, or dismissal will be informed in writing of the reasons for the action taken. The effective date of demotion or suspension shall be five (5) days following the notification.

Employees affected by a demotion, suspension, or dismissal may appeal to the next level of authority within five (5) working days of the notification of the action.

The employee will be entitled to a procedural protection of a hearing before a Board of Review (Grievance Policy).  This request must be made within ten (10) working days following the documented adverse action. Grievance Policy is not applicable for employees terminated during SGSC's provisional period or temporary employees.

Note: Before you move towards involuntary termination please be sure to contact your HR Office to discuss first.

  • Meet with your Human Resource Practitioner to discuss your retirement date, timing and next steps.
  • Meet with your ORP Retirement Advisor for a one on-one session to review your portfolio and request illustrations of your retirement distribution options.
  • Meet with TRS or ERS to initiate the retirement process and confirm your date of retirement. Then, complete your retirement packet online.
  • Confirm your retirement date with HR and announce dates to department chair/dean or supervisor.
  • If you’re eligible and would like your Social Security benefits to begin at the time of retirement, apply at least six (6) months prior to your retirement date.

Your TRS, ERS or ORP Retirement

  • If you are a member of the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS), or Employees Retirement System of Georgia (ERS), schedule an appointment with TRS or ERS to discuss your eligibility to retire, your benefit amount at retirement, and how you plan to provide for your beneficiaries.
  • Call your retirement system directly: TRS at 1-404-352-6500 or ERS at 1-404-350-6300.
  • Create an online account by visiting www.trsga.com
  • Review the TRS retirement checklist online. If you are a member of the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), schedule a financial counseling appointment with your retirement vendor to discuss your distribution options. 
    • Call them directly: AIG: 1-800-448-2542, Fidelity: 1-800-343-0860, or TIAA: 1-800-842-2252.
  • Access your account(s) online by visiting AIG, Fidelity, and TIAA. If you currently participate in 403(b) or 457(b) you should start meeting with your plan advisor to discuss plan distribution options. If you’re not currently participating and would like additional information, please visit the 403(b) and 457(b) Plans page or call CAPTRUST for more information at 1-800-967-9948.

Please note:

  • Up to 360 hours of unused vacation time is paid out by the next pay period after your retirement.
  • If you are a TRS retiree, unused sick time can count toward your retirement service time and is unlimited. Unused sick time does not apply toward ORP retirement. Contact TRS or visit the website for your conversion options.

Internal Transfer – The shift of an employee from one position to another of the same classification or to one with comparable skills and in the same general pay range in the same institution. 

The employee who is affected by an internal transfer will continue all benefits uninterrupted. The employee will not restart the provisional period. 

External Transfer – The movement of an employee from a position at one institution within the University System to a position at another institution or to/from the University System Office. Since institutional compensation practices may differ due to market conditions, the transfer may be to a position at a different pay range, but the provisions of this transfer policy shall apply.

In the event of an external transfer, accumulated sick leave, retirement benefits and service continuity will be transferred if the break in service does not exceed thirty (30) calendar days. When the external transfer occurs with no break in service, an employee must transfer accrued vacation leave of between one (1) and twenty (20) days. For employees with accrued vacation leave of greater than twenty (20) days, the employee may elect one of the following options: 

  • Transfer of the total accrued vacation balance, not to exceed forty-five (45) days. 
  • Payment by the institution from which the employee is moving of accrued vacation leave greater than twenty (20) days. The total accrued vacation leave for which the employee may be paid shall not exceed twenty-five (25) days. 

The transferring employee will restart the provisional period at the new location effective on the first day of employment and serve their first six (6) months in a provisional status, subject to all terms and conditions of the provisional period policy. 

When an employee terminates from one institution and is then hired by another System institution, this shall not constitute an external transfer. If the termination and subsequent hiring occurs with less than thirty (30) days between the actions, the Chief Human Resources Officer of new employer may choose to treat such an action as an external transfer under this policy at their sole discretion. 

This policy ensures consistency among institutions of the University System regarding the transfer of employees with the institution and from one University System institution to another, including the University System office. 

The policy also ensures consistency as necessary for meeting applicable reporting requirements while also affording the appropriate level of flexibility needed at the institutional level.