
Book Scholarship

Staff Council Book Scholarship

SGSC Staff Council is giving back by providing staff members who are currently furthering their education with the opportunity to apply for a book scholarship. The Staff Council Book Scholarship will be awarded depending on fund availability, and is not available for dependents, spouses, retired staff or employees on unpaid leave. Applicants must be TAP eligible, but do not have to be using TAP benefits to apply. The recipient(s) of the scholarship are chosen by the Staff Council Book Scholarship Selection Committee. All identifying information will be redacted from the application and accompanying essay prior to review by the selection committee. To view what information will be redacted on the application, click here. The selection committee will use the below rubric to identify each semester's book scholarship recipient.

Completed applications and essays should be sent to staffcouncilbookscholarship@sgsc.edu for redaction and submission to the selection committee.

If you have any questions about the SGSC Staff Council Book Scholarship, or would like to donate to the Book Scholarship fund, please reach out to us at staffcouncil@sgsc.edu.