
Select Additional Resources

Depending on your topic, specific types of resources may be more appropriate than others. Note what kind of information is available for the time frame your subject covers.

Years Books & References Resources **
Months Scholarly Journals
Week Popular Magazines
Day Newspapers


You are likely to encounter a lot of information while searching for research sources, and some sources are more credible than others.  Whether a book, video tape, or internet resource, you should evaluate the information's quality.  You can avoid a great deal of rubbish by sticking to the SGSC libraries' materials.  However, the following tips can assist you whenn utilizing other resources. 


Is there an author? Is the author credible? Is the author's qualifications provided? With whom are they affiliated? Who is the publisher?


Is the information accurate? Is the author's conclusion supported with evidence? Does the source have a reference page or citations? Does the source have an editor or someone who verifies the information?


What is the purpose of the resource? What is the intention behind the material? Was it designed to inform or to sway opinion? Does the author present facts or opinions? Is the content biased? Is the material presented with advertisements?


Is the information current? If it is not, is it still valid, or has the information been superseded by new research? Facts remain the same but interpretation and analysis of those facts may change. New facts may be discovered, and new research may support or supersede older research. However, years of research should not be discarded nor ignored. Current research should build on classic studies.


What topics are covered? Is the information relevant to your topic and assignment? What does this resource offer that is not covered somewhere else? How broad, specific, or in depth is the information? Is the material presented at the appropriate level?